-:- Cartas europeias -:-
- Christophorus COLUMBUS (1451-1506) Select letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original documents, relating to his four voyages to the New world, ed. 1847.
- ERASMUS Rotterdamensis (1466-1536) Opus Epistolarum Erasmi, vols. 1, 2, 3; (1894) Life and letters of Erasmus; (1908) Selections from Erasmus, principally from his Epistles.
- Ioannes DANTISCUS (1485-1548) Texts and Correspondence.
- Oswald MYCONIUS (1488-1552) The Correspondence.
- Antoine Du BOURG (1489-1538) La correspondance du chancelier Antoine Du Bourg.
- Elizabeth CAVENDISH (1527-1608) The Complete Correspondence c. 1550-1608.
- Thomas BODLEY (1545-1613) Diplomatic Correspondence.
- William of ORANGE (1549-1584) The Correspondence.
- Edmund SPENSER (1552-1599) The Spenser Letters.
- Francis BACON (1561-1626) The Correspondence; ver também Six Degrees of Francis Bacon: Reassembling the Early Modern Social Network.
- Lope de VEGA (1562-1635) Lope a través de su correspondencia, by José Manuel Sánchez Ron.
- Hugo GROTIUS (1583-1645) The Correspondence.
- Johann Valentin ANDREAE (1586-1654) Inventory of the Correspondence.
- William HERLE (m. 1588) Letters.
- Elizabeth STUART (1596-1662) Letters of a Stuart Princess: the Complete Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia.
- Martin Opitz von BOBERFELD (1597-1639) Critical Edition of the Correspondence.
- Athanasius KIRCHER (1602-1680) The Correspondence.
- María de Jesús de ÁGREDA (1602-1665) Cartas a la Duquesa de Albuquerque.
- William DUGDALE (1605-1686) A Catalogue of his Correspondence.
- The Dutch and Frisian Stadtholders’ WIVES (1605-1725) Epistolary Power: the Correspondence of....
- Constantijn HUYGENS (1608-1687) The Correspondence.
- Madame de SÉVIGNÉ (1626-1696)
- Une lettre après l'autre : à la découverte de Mme de Sévigné.
- PÖLLÄ, Riikka-Maria (2017) Refashioning the Respectable Elite Woman in Louis XIV's Paris: Madame de Sévigné and Ninon de Lenclos, Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
- Philipp Jakob SPENER (1635-1705) Edition of the Letters.
- Isaac NEWTON (1643-1727) The Newton Project.
- Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ (1646-1716) Leibniz-Edition.
- Pierre BAYLE (1647-1706) Correspondance; presentation.
- Sóror Juana Inés de la CRUZ (1651-1695) Respuesta a sor Filotea de la Cruz (Soror Filotea was the pseudonym of Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz, bishop of Puebla, Mexico).
- Ludovico Antonio MURATORI (1672-1750) Carteggio.
- François-Marie Arouet, aka VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) Correspondance; see also Voltaire Foundation: Correspondences.
- Madame de GRAFFIGNY (1695-1758) La Correspondance.
- Johann Christoph GOTTSCHED (1700-1766) Edition of the Correspondence.
- Carl LINNAEUS (1707-1778) The Linnaean Correspondence.
- Luise Dorothea of Saxe-GOTHA (1710-1767) Correspondence with Friederike of Mont MARTIN (1751-1752)
- William CULLEN (1710-1790) The Cullen Project.
- Jean le Rond D'ALEMBERT (1717-1783) Inventory of the Correspondence of d’Alembert.
- Elizabeth MONTAGU (1718-1800) The Elizabeth Montagu and the Bluestocking Circle Project.
- August Wilhelm SCHLEGEL (1767-1845) Digitising and Electronic Editing of August Wilhelm Schlegel's Correspondence; and index.
- Robert SOUTHEY (1774-1843) The Collected Letters of R. S..
- James Henry Leigh HUNT (1784-1859) Leigh Hunt Letters.
- Lord BYRON (1788-1824) Cartas para e sobre Madame de Staël, by Fabiana Regina da Silva Soares.
- John KEATS (1795-1821) The Keats Letters Project; keeps a Facebook page.
- Victor HUGO (1802-1885) Correspondance.
- Charles DARWIN (1809-1882) Darwin Correspondence Project.
- Mariano José de LARRA (1809-1837) Cartas familiares y otras cartas.
- Jacob BURCKHARDT (1818-1897) Letters to Jacob Burckhardt.
- Henri DELESCLUZE (1819-1879) Lettres.
- Fiódor DOSTOIÉVSKI (1821-1881) Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky to his Family and Friends.
- Alfred Russel WALLACE (1823-1913) Correspondence.
- Mark TWAIN (1835-1910) Letters.
- Émile ZOLA (1840-1902) Correspondance t. XI.
- Stéphane MALLARMÉ (1842-1898) Cartas de Mallarmé: leitura, crítica e tradução, by Sandra Mara Stroparo.
- William Butler YEATS (1865-1939) Correspondência para periódicos no século XIX.