Love Letters
A Letters and Letter Writing Project
3rd Global Project
3rd Global Project
Saturday 2nd July – Monday 4th July 2016 Mansfield College, Oxford
The programme for the conference is available below. Delegates are listed according to the session in which they appear. Delegate abstracts and draft papers (where available) can be viewed on subsequent pages where they are listed in alphabetical order according to surname. Each delegate is listed according to their affiliation.
Final Conference Programme
Saturday 2nd July
Conference Registration
Session 1: Of Love and War
Chair: Linda McGuire
The delightful sense of personal contact that your letter aroused: love letters in the First World War Carol Acton
Secure momentos of War, mutual suffering and devotion: Love letters, combat motivation and male intimacy during the American Civil War Long Bao Bui
The Letters of Irish Soldiers During the American Civil War: the love letter as a separate space for Counter-narrative Daniel Kotzin
Coffee Break
Session 2: Graphic Love
Chair: Lale Massiha
Love Letters and a (Graphic) Narrative of the Self: Fun Home and A Perfect Day for Love Letters Surangama Datta
I would have climbed Mt Everest naked to get to you: Father-Daughter love letters in the archives of Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir Fun Home
Susan Van Dyne
Wine Reception
Sunday 3rd July
Session 3: Past Affection
Chair: Daniel Kotzin
‘I have such beautiful memories’: Nostalgia and Affection in Contemporary Yorkshire Letters Georgina Binnie
‘The manners of a dancing master and the morals of a whore?’ Love in the letters of Lord Chesterfield Rob Butler
Love lost: spousal affection or lack thereof in Roman correspondence Linda McGuire
Coffee Break
Museum Visit
Session 4: Love(ly) Friendships
Chair: Long Bao Bui
Unconscious Love Letters: Yeats’ Correspondence with Female Friends and the Erotics of Collaboration Maria Rita Viana
Beloved Friend, Half of my Soul – Emotional correspondence between two men in the 19th century Reetta Eiranen
Powered by rage and love: queer love letters Marilyn Schuster
Coffee Break
Session 5: The Art of Love
Chair: Marilyn Schuster
How to make a film with love letters: The case of So Bright and the filmic translation of the love letters of John Keats Alicia Nila Martinez
Creating Artefacts from memories of Lost Love Charlotte M Goldthorpe
Monday4th July
Free Session
Session 6: The distance between Us
Chair: Georgina Binnie
All Love Letters are Ridiculous: regression and deterritorialization in Fernando Pessoa’s Cartas de Amor Silvia Annavini
Messengers of Impossible: The vital role of letters in connecting lovers Lale Massiha
On reading Fernando Pessoa’s Love Letters as a work of (he)art Maria do Ceu Estibeira
Session 7: Why Love Letters?
Chair: Charlotte Goldthorpe
Love letters of a Japanese: Marie Stopes and (Re)-writing the end of the affair Janine Utell
The Etiquette of Love in the 19th century: the love letters manuals in Portugal Véronique Sémik
Writing love letters is good for your health (or how I learned to stop worrying and send love bombs) Angela Sleeter
Coffee Break
Conference Meeting
Conference Ends
Please Note: Only delegates attending the conference are included in the programme.